What is the availability of the FOGRod and LIT?

We try and ensure we always have stock available.

A lot of companies try to run on very little stock and they make you wait 8 weeks after you place a purchase order before they ship your product.

We have a different philosophy and our aim is to ship your PO next day, and most of the time we have stock of all of our part numbers.

Of course, day to day, the situation changes and we can’t always achieve this. If you need to know our delivery time, please call us on 406 545 3023, or email us: sales@wastewater-level.com. We will always do everything we can to get your order to you for when you need it.

Our US inventory is warehoused in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and we typically ship by Fedex ground. This means that shipments usually arrive within 2-3 days in most of the eastern half of the country, and 4 days in the western half of the country.

Within the US, the price of our system includes delivery by ground shipment to the continental US. If you need something air freighted overnight, we will do it no problem – but of course we need to bill you for the shipping cost. Just ask and we will let you know the options.


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