Should I use the bottom contact (contact 1) as low level alarm and contact 2 as pump off?

Even though it seems on the surface like a good idea, we suggest not having a low level alarm, here’s why..

One of the great features of the FOGRod is the reliability of the OFF signal. Once the water drops off the bottom of the rod there is no way for current to flow through fresh air to ground. The low voltage applied to each contact on the FOGRod has to jump through fresh air to the receding water level below. This means you will always get an OFF signal and you can always rely on your pumps stopping.

Even if the LIT fails (or power fails to the LIT) you will get an OFF signal because the level relays will all spring open.

With the right combination of grease buildup it’s possible to get the situation where contacts 1 and 2 are shorted together (by water held inside the grease). It doesn’t cause any problem without a low level alarm – but if you have used 1 for low level and 2 for OFF, you might get low level alarms – even though the pump would still stop at the low level alarm point. This is why we recommend not having a low level alarm with the FOGRod.

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